About Me

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From a dear friend who described me to a tee from using numerology skills. I am grounded and love my traditions. I like things in good order and do not like loose ends. I love adventure and creativity and am also very intuitive and my gut reaction is the best advice I ever need. I also am very tuned in to ANIMALS as in I understand them and can even hear them. I am not SURPRISED by this since it is very much me as I know myself now. My creativity is not obvious but is used in those things that are less tangible. I do not do crafts or sewing but I love to grow things and actually do have a BROWN thumb which is what good farmers have not green. I do hear animals speak their own language and this includes all animals whether they walk, crawl, fly or swim.

Friday, May 1, 2009

A Day to Rember and Forget

Okay well the day started out okay but got worse as the clouds rolled in, FedEx didn't show when they were supposed to wtih my laptop, my headache got more intense, and I was not able to leave since I was waiting for FedEx. It got better when my husband called me with job information that just might get me a job soon. Can't say much about it for couple of reasons, one I don't want to jinx it and other is that it sort of involves my husband.
Twitter has been cool today. We might lose a very special person, Holly since she is having problems with fakers posting twitter and websites as her. She is celeb and desires her privacy to a point. I got my blog page started and this will be my first post here. I have put some chicken on the BBQ and it started to burn so not sure how good dinner will be. Why is it that companies say things and promise things and do not care if they deliver and follow through on their promises or honor their word. My Dad once said that your word is not only your reputation but it is your honor and if you do not keep your word you loose your honor and therefore you loose your soul. I miss my Dad, I think he would have had a lot of fun with the internet and things like twitter.
Just went out to check on the chicken and it is raining. Look out world a migraine is close behind.
Well, I pulled off the burned skin from the chicken and hopefully it will be okay. Today is Friday and so all day Tivo has been recording Nascar and there is a race tonight at 5pm so I will be on the computer in the living room most of the time. Don't really care about Nascar anymore and that might have upset my Da but I think he would understand.
These posts are going to be very random and some may be long and some may be short and I may post more than one a day. We will see. The blue clouds have been thick today and the rain is more than on the outside. I can hardly wait for summer and the heat and the sun and the blue skys.

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